Curious about exactly what’s inside the Young Living Starter Kit? Our kit just got a HUGE upgrade, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take you behind the scenes and share with you a few details on all the amazing goodies inside the kit.
Getting Started – Understanding The Labels
Before we dive into all the different oils, I’ll take a moment to explain the two labels. For many of the oils in the kit, you’ll see one bottle featuring the standard label, and another featuring the vitality label, which signals that the oil is fit for consumption. However, the oils within the bottle are exactly the same.

The reason for the two sets of labels? The FDA states that products must fall into only a singular category – either for topical OR internal usage. So in order to comply with FDA guidelines, Young Living created two different labels and assigned each product a unique SKU number. The only difference is the size of the bottles and the color of the label – the oil inside is absolutely identical!
Exploring The Oils in The Young Living Starter Kit
- Peppermint. Peppermint oil is one of my favorites. It comes in both the standard bottle and the vitality bottle, and is safe to consume. I love starting my day with a drop of peppermint oil in a glass of water, as it is energizing and is great for digestion. Peppermint is a potent oil, so just start with a little bit!
While homeschooling my kids, I combined lemon and peppermint in my diffuser each morning – a sunny combo that would help the kids and I wake up happy and energized, as well as work wonders for their memory and focus throughout the day.
- Thieves. A combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils, this is a strong oil with a gorgeous aroma. It’s also incredible for immunity. We have a roller bottle with diluted Thieves and I like to apply it to my children each morning, on the top of their spine or their feet, in order to give their immune system that extra boost to keep them healthy all year long!
An awesome way to use this oil is to make this easy Thieves Tea. To make: Combine 1 mug of very warm water, 1 drop of Thieves, 2 drops of Lemon, 1 drop of peppermint, and honey to taste. Leave the peppermint out if that’s too strong!
- Citrus Fresh. This oil is a cheerful blend of citruses with a hint of spearmint! Spearmint aids with digestion while citrus is good for detoxification. This is another one I like to add to my water. Remember when adding oils to your water to always use glass, rather than plastic, and a metal straw! Citrus Fresh is my go-to brighten up the smell of a room and get rid of any bad odors. Plus, it’s cheery scent gets everyone in a good mood!
- Di-Gize. DiGize™ is a blend of pure tarragon, ginger, peppermint, and other essential oils that can bring about calming feelings and act as a digestive aid. For this one, I wouldn’t recommend putting it in your water – in my opinion, it doesn’t have the best taste. What I would do is stick a roller top on it and rub it over your belly after a meal, or pop a few drops into a veggie capsule and ingest it that way. You can easily find veggie capsules on Amazon or on the Young Living website.
- Raven. Raven is a fantastic blend of Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, and other essential oils that help support your breathing and respiratory system. I love using Raven with a roller top, in the diffuser or even making my own homemade vapor rub with it! I take a tablespoon or so of coconut oil and mix it with a drop or so of the Raven blend, in order to dilute the oil. Especially with kids, it is important to dilute these strong oils (once you begin diluting, you’ll see just how long these oils will last you – you can really stretch your dollar!).
Important note: Raven is not safe for ingesting. If you are ever unsure about whether or not you can ingest an oil, do not assume. Instead, read the Young Living literature, check their website, ask your rep, or simply message me – I’m happy to help!
- Valor. Valor is a blend of Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense that work to provide powerful emotional support. If you need courage and bravery, you need Valor in your arsenal. I like to apply this directly behind my ears (the skin is thin there, so it seeps into your skin easily and you quickly experience the benefits) as well as on my wrists (so that when I move throughout the day I get the aromatic benefits!).
- Panaway. PanAway® contains wintergreen and clove essential oils and is perfect for massaging those spots where no matter what, you just always seem to be sore. I’m carrying around my littlest all-day long and he is no small toddler (ironically, however, he IS the smallest of my four. What can I say, I don’t make small babies!) and I am NEVER not sore. After a long day of having a chunky monkey on my hip, rubbing some Panaway on my neck and shoulders is the perfect soothing remedy for a little muscle ache relief.
- Lavender. Lavender is the swiss army knife of essential oils – it’s so so good! It’s GREAT for both your skin and your hair and is actually part of my Mermaid Hair Spray. It’s an oil spray I created that I put on each morning and night that has helped tremendously with postpartum hair loss – my hair is now growing back healthier than ever! Lavender is also wonderfully calming. I put it in a diffuser when my kids are getting ready for bed and it helps get them in the right mindset for sleep.
- Frankincense. Frankincense is a very grounding and relaxing oil. It’s also fantastic for your skin. If you look into the scientific research going on with skin cell regeneration and frankincense, it’s out of this world!
- Stress Away. Stress Away is an essential oil blend of Lime and Cedarwood that does exactly what it promises. With many of us experiencing heightened anxiety trying to keep our families healthy through Coronavirus, this oil will help calm you down and relieve your stress when everything feels it’s getting too hectic. This is perfect for sticking a roller top on and applying to your wrists and temples when you begin to feel yourself stress or anxiety kicking in.
- Peace and Calm. This is another beautiful essential oil blend that is very needed right now. As soon as I smell this, I instantly feel soothed and calm. It really helps to calm my kids down as well (which I love it for!). This bottle alone is $35 alone (at wholesale price) so having it in the kit is a fantastic deal.

Other Extras In Your Young Living Starter Kit
- Thieves Cleaner. Included in the kit is a small spray bottle of Thieves cleaner – my all-time favorite multi-purpose cleaner. I literally clean my entire house with this! I just walk around with one spray bottle and clean my kitchen, bathroom, all of my surfaces and even the toilet bowl. It’s saved me money as I no longer need to buy all different sorts of products, and I feel better knowing I’m keeping my home safe and non-toxic.
- 2 NingXia Red 2 oz samples. You’ll get two sample packs of Young Living’s supplement drink. It’s delicious, packed with antioxidants and great for boosting your immune system. Pro tip: Stick it in the fridge, it tastes even better cold!
- Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier. This is my favorite hand-sanitizer, and so handy for when you’re on the go. I even sometimes use it instead of the soap at public bathrooms because I know how good the ingredients are. And has there ever been a better time than to have a bit of extra hand sanitizer?
Choosing Your Diffuser
Also included in your Starter Kit is a diffuser. The one I recommend starting with Desert Mist, and there are a couple of reasons why.
- It’s the least expensive one.
- It’s very durable. It is plastic, but actually looks a whole lot nicer!
- It’s easy to use, and lasts for up to eight hours.
All you need to do is take the shell off, then take the top cone off. Next, you’ll plug it in and fill it up with water up until the water line, and add in a few drops of whatever oil you’d like to diffuse. Once you put the top cone and shell back on, you can choose whether you’d like it to diffuse intermittently for 8 hours or on full steam for a few hours, as well as activate different light options (the flickering candle effect is so pretty)!
If you’re curious about any of the oils that come in the Starter Kit, or want to get your own, just let me know and I can help you get started. I can’t even begin to describe all the ways these oils have helped me and my family live a natural, non-toxic life and would love to help you explore the benefits too. You can schedule time with me here or order your oils here!